JHI Alternate Publishing Avenues

When and Where

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm


Shawna-Kaye Tucker
Luis Van Isschot
Caitlin Tillman


Academic publishing disproportionately privileges English-language and Western journals and presses, leaving little place to contextualize and value scholarly material published outside academia (particularly in terms of publication material of benefit to community collaborators), outside the Western context, or in languages other than English.

Guest speakers Shawna-Kaye Tucker (Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics, OISE), Luis Van Isschot (Associate Professor, Department of History & Associate Chair of Latin American Studies) and Caitlin Tillman (Associate Chief Librarian for Collections and Materials Management, U of T Libraries) will draw on their experiences and share insights on the challenges and benefits of publishing in non-traditional venues, and their thoughts and advice on navigating a narrow publishing landscape.

This roundtable discussion arises from the “Professional Development for BIPOC Faculty” grant awarded by the UTSC Mentorship Initiatives Fund and led by PI Urvashi Chakravarty (Associate Professor, Department of English, UTSC, and a 2022-23 JHI 12-month Faculty Fellow) and builds on the JHI’s Academic Publishing: Considerations for BIPOC Scholars workshop in June 2023.

While this event is focused on scholars publishing in the humanities and social sciences, we welcome everyone interested in hearing these perspectives. Researchers from all levels of experience, affiliated researchers, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students are also welcome to attend.



Jackman Humanities Institute
