Undergraduate Fellowships

Applications are accepted March and April for six residential fellowships. Undergraduate fellows hold carrels at the JHI, and research and write an Independent Study on a topic of their own choice under supervision by one of the year’s 12-month Faculty Research Fellows. A 1.0 FCE course credit for this Independent Study is awarded by each fellow’s home unit. Fellows also receive funding and travel support.

JHI Undergraduate Fellows receive one of six award titles which are assigned to incoming fellows on the basis of their program of study:

  • James Fleck Undergraduate Award in the Humanities
  • Jukka-Pekka Saraste Undergraduate Award in the Humanities
  • Dr. Jan Blumenstein Undergraduate Award in the Humanities
  • Zoltan D. Simo Undergraduate Award in the Humanities
  • Milton Harris Undergraduate Award in the Humanities
  • Dr. Michael Lutsky Undergraduate Award in the Humanities

More details, eligibility, selection criteria and a link to the application form will be made available when the 2025-26 call opens in March 2025. For up to date information about the Undergraduate Fellowships, check our Announcements, follow us on Twitter or Facebook, or subscribe to our newsletter.