JHI How-to: Map Out Your Awards Path for Humanities Researchers
When and Where
The Jackman Humanities Institute (JHI) invites researchers in the humanities and social sciences to an online session for those who are considering the best ways to boost their research profile and prominence, particularly in terms of major awards. Sarah Carson (Manager, Awards & Honours, VPRI) will present on awards opportunities and best practices for assembling nominations dossiers, followed by a roundtable discussion with faculty guest speakers who have received awards such as Royal Society of Canada fellowships, Canada Research Chairs, the Killam Prize and the Guggenheim Fellowship. This workshop may also be of interest to faculty members compiling their PTR, tenure, or promotions documentation.
Topics include:
- How to create a fulsome narrative of research excellence
- How to develop a 5-year plan
- How to prepare awards materials
- The role of teaching awards
UTORid required for registration.