Performance Cultures of the Web brings together scholars and practitioners whose work spans a range of emerging forms–live-streaming, digital performance, social media, video games, blockchain, virtual reality, artificial intelligence—to explore the complicated networks of performance cultures that shape and subvert the Internet ecosystem. We engage the premise that the current media of Web performance are so interwoven that they must be addressed in conversation. We intend to chart a new constellation of scholarship that draws collegial and intellectual connections across performance studies, media studies, and sociology. What can performance and the performative offer us as a frame for reading these practices? How might performance subvert the accelerating influence of technocapital on creative and daily life on and off the internet?
- Nikki Cesare Schotzko, A&S Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies
- Douglas Eacho, A&S Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies
- Ilana Khanin, Ph.D. student, Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies
Faculty, University of Toronto
- Leslie Chan, UTSC Arts, Culture & Media
- Paolo Granata, SMC Book & Media Studies
- Bina Johns, Faculty of Music
- Patrick Keilty, Faculty of Information
- David Rokeby, A&S Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies
Graduate Students, University of Toronto
- Camille Inston, Information
- Cassandra Silver, Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies
- Andrew Lee, Cinema Studies
- Kanika Lawton, Cinema Studies and Sexual Diversity Studies
Community Professionals
- Sanja Vodovnik, dramaturge