CDHI Praxis Workshop: Media Training for Humanities Researchers

When and Where

Wednesday, April 13, 2022 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Online Event


This workshop is designed to help University of Toronto Humanities researchers understand the benefits of engaging with the media, learn what makes a story a good fit for media coverage, and the different tactics they can use to get attention for their research. We’ll also cover tips and tricks for interviews, including how to prepare, how to answer tricky questions, and what to expect from journalists. Attendees will also get the opportunity to share their story ideas related to their research and get feedback on how to shape it for the media.

This workshop will be facilitated by Josslyn Johnstone and Sean Bettam, Communications & Media Relations Specialists for the Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto.

Note: This workshop is restricted to University of Toronto participants. A email address is required to register.

This event is virtual. It will be held on zoom. Pre-registration is required.


Contact Information

Critical Digital Humanities Initiative


Critical Digital Humanities Initiative
