Voices from the South: Decoloniality and Postcolonial dialogues

When and Where

Thursday, October 12, 2023 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Isabel Bader Theatre, 3rd floor
Victoria College
93 Charles Street West


Barbara Simões Daibert


October 12, 2023, 3-5pm Isabel Bader Theatre, 3rd floor (please use back entrance elevator).

Although some critical effort has been made  during the last ten years to approach Decoloniality and Postcolonial Studies, especially after the publication of Mignolo’s Local Histories/Global Designs , most of the criticism of Postcolonialism still struggles with Decoloniality and its specificities and vice-versa. In this lecture we are going to investigate some of the reasons why these struggles generate ruptures. We will also try to point out the importance of a path for constructive and continuous dialogue between the two fields and South-South dialogue, since we consider Postcolonial Studies and Decoloniality, as Mignolo comments, “complementary trajectories with different paths”.


Contact Information


Centre for Comparative Literature


93 Charles Street West

