2023-24 Distinguished Visiting Indigenous Faculty Fellow

March 28, 2023 by Sonja Johnston

Ci aaniko wiitamaakeyak kaa kiitaawew kaye kihkentamaawin awenenowiyak

Ci aaniko wiitamaakeyak kaa kiitaawew kaye kihkentamaawin awenenowiyak
Sharing with others, wisdom and knowledge, about who we are

The JHI is excited to announce our 2023-24 Distinguished Visiting Indigenous Faculty FellowGlen Coulthard. Glen will join us during our Absence theme year.

Glen Coulthard is an associate professor in First Nations and Indigenous Studies and in the Department of Political Science, University of  British Columbia. Glen has written and published numerous articles and chapters in the areas of contemporary political theory, Indigenous thought and politics, and radical social and political thought (marxism, anarchism, post-colonialism). His work on Frantz Fanon and the politics of recognition won Contemporary Political Theory’s Annual Award for Best Article of the Year in 2007. He is the author of Red Skin, White Masks (U. Minnesota Press, 2014), winner of the 2016 Caribbean Philosophical Association’s Frantz Fanon Award for Outstanding Book, the Canadian Political Science Association’s CB Macpherson Award for Best Book in Political Theory, published in English or French, in 2014/2015, and the Rik Davidson Studies in Political Economy Award for Best Book in 2016. He is a co-founder of Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning, a decolonial, Indigenous land-based post-secondary program operating on his traditional territories in Denendeh (Northwest Territories). He is Yellowknives Dene.

JHI Project

Professor Coulthard will be a member of the Circle of Fellows at the Jackman Humanities Institute in 2023-24, when we will be focussing on the annual theme of Absence.

About this Fellowship

The Distinguished Visiting Indigenous Faculty Fellowship was inaugurated in 2016-2017, with the intention to bring a senior Indigenous scholar into the Circle of Fellows to do research relevant to the year’s theme. The name of this fellowship is transliterated above in Cree syllabics. Professor Coulthard will be the seventh person to hold this fellowship; his predecessors include Sherry Farrell Racette, Tracey Lindberg, Alex Wilson, Heidi Stark, Max Liboiron and Dale Turner.

